About PARC

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About PARC


PARC has been a national education and training centre since 2003, a recognized regional centre since 2009, and since 2013 it is a PTEC (PTEC- Partnership Training and Education Centre), approved by NAC in June 2013. PARC is the only PTEC in the Republic of North Macedonia, and what’s even more important, from today’s 32 PTEC centers around the world, PARC is the only one which is exclusively specialized in Public Affairs (PA). PARC’s progress and importance is evident and it is continuously growing.

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PARC trains national and international PA personnel (not only from the Armed forces and the Ministries of Defense but also from other State administration institutions) to develop their Communication skills and techniques and to provide them with the necessary expertise in Public Affairs which will enable them to successfully deal with the Media in peace-time, during crisis and when deployed in operations.

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From a barely known and profiled centre, PARC today has grown into a highly visible, renowned and unique centre. PARC is the PA hub In Europe, where NATO and partner (PfP, MD, ICI) countries and partners across the globe can meet, communicate, learn, network and succeed. From only 3 participating countries at the beginning, until today PARC has trained over 1600 personnel from 40 countries from across the world. And the number of interested countries and the demand for PARC’s courses keep growing!

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In times of rising complexity of security challenges Public Affairs are rapidly gaining importance. PARC is in full alignment with NATO’s priorities as agreed at the NATO Summit in Warsaw, further developed during the NATO Foreign Ministerial meeting in December 2016, where building resilience in the Western Balkans was identified as a way for projecting stability beyond NATO’s borders. Capacity Building in Public Affairs is instrumental for enhancing resilience and addressing vulnerabilities related to hybrid security threats such as disinformation and propaganda. Public Affairs today are not only a profession but key to success. Well trained, skilled and experienced PA personnel are more needed than ever and remain to be in short supply even inside NATO.

Public Affairs are a critical enabler for joint military operations, but also for a much wider spectrum of activities aimed at peace and security. This is where PARC falls into place, not only for our Region, but also for NATO and for all our partners across the globe. PARC is the place where both Allies and partners can build and enhance their capacities in Public Affairs.

Emerging security threats and their rising complexity demonstrate the urgent need for capacity building in Public Affairs of a much wider audience - both military and civilian personnel working on security-related issues in a wider range of state institutions and governmental agencies (i.e. Defence and Armed Forces, Interior, Foreign Affairs, President, Prime Minister, Parliament, Crisis Management, Search and Rescue).

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The need for capacity Building in Public Affairs expands well beyond the operational level itself and underpins Allies and Partners’ overall efforts aimed at peace and security. Training at PARC helps address this critical NATO need.